Open Letter to American Girls Studying or Traveling Abroad

Dear Ladies, 


Let me start by saying how excited I am for you that you are considering expanding your comfort zone and going abroad for an extended period of time. I believe it will shape you and change you in ways you won’t expect, and develop another piece of your life experience that you’ll reflect on later in life and be proud of your younger self. 

I moved to London from 2009-2010 as a 23 year old girl from a remote part of eastern Washington for a graduate program at King’s College London. It was one of the more defining experiences of my growth into adulthood and revealed things to me that I wanted to change or expand about myself during my time abroad that I would never have noticed if I were in my native comfort zone. A friend told me recently that traveling allows you to both “meet new people AND meet yourself”. This is the absolute truth. 

I met friends during my study abroad who have remained a part of my circle to this day. These same friends have invited me all over the world and continued to expand my global view through interactions with them, their hometowns, and meeting their loved ones. 

To keep this brief, I’ll get right into the things I wish I’d known as a 23 year old university student and that I’d like to share with girls preparing to go abroad themselves.  

1. Bring less than you think you need. You can always buy it when you get there.  

2. Diversify your tribe. They might not be the people who you’d think will be your BFF’s. 

3. Be kind to yourself and recognize how much change you’re experiencing.  

4.  Learn to say “yes” to more things. And also when it’s appropriate to say “no”.

5. Don’t try to see and do everything.  

6. Protect yourself.  

7. Remember to journal and document things just for yourself.  

8. Keep it classy. Seriously, don’t be an American idiot.  

9. Make sure you know how you’re getting home. Every time.  

10. Live every moment to it’s fullest - let yourself have fun!

You’re about to have an amazing adventure! Enjoy every second.

Wishing you all the very best,



Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum

Boston is full of historic architecture. Everywhere you turn there are brick buildings or quaint row homes. Some have a nod to the colonial heritage of this city. Others reflect an opulence of a different time of place. And then there are places like the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, which is a monument to another time and a monument to the art held within it’s grand walls.


A stroll through this museum will take you hours to see it all. Every room is full of hidden surprises. And a central courtyard will make you feel that you’ve stumbled into an Italian palace from the 15th century. It truly deserves a visit if you are in Boston.

Quick Facts:

Location: 25 Evans Way, Boston, MA 02115


  • Wed:11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Thu:11:00 AM - 9:00 PM

  • Fri - Mon:11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
